April 9, 2012

name that movie

Do you not realize I've had diarrheas since Easters? 

Please tell me my family is not the only one who quotes Nacho Libre constantly. Especially this quote yesterday, as it was "Easters."

I feel kind of bad for not doing anything Easter-ish for Baby Girl's first year, but I figure she doesn't know the difference. Next year we'll do our family's favorite tradition that has absolutely nothing to do with Easter. What is it, you ask? We all get a ball of yarn that has been strung throughout the house, yard, and even the yard's of lucky neighbors. We have to follow it and wind it up where it eventually leads to our baskets. We look like a bunch of creepers in the neighbors' bushes, especially because all the adult children still play!


  1. beautiful!
    I have loved hearing what people's easter traditions are, there are some random ones out there. I think I am going to have to adopt a few.


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