April 10, 2012

you've been tagged

I have been tagged by my good friend April! Here's how it works:

1. Post these rules. 
3. Answer the questions provided by the one who tagged you. 
4. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag. 
5. Tag 11 people. 

1. What are you thinking about right now? Work. I've always got it in the back of my mind.
2. Are you afraid to die? Only if it's at the hands of a kidnapper. (I think I watch too much TV.)
3. If you could go back in history and give someone (anyone, including yourself) advice (that may or may not change history) who? and what would you tell them? I would tell my parents to buy Apple and Microsoft stock. It wouldn't hurt to be a millionaire!
4. Fruity or Chocolate? Right now, chocolate, but when I was pregnant, fruity.
5. Bungee jumping or scuba diving? Ahh, can I say neither? I'm kind of a wimp.
6. Do you prefer wearing neutrals or colors? Neutrals with pops of color.
7. Cinnamon rolls or Donuts? Donuts.
8. Dream car? I honestly don't know a thing about cars and have no preference. Right now, I drive a silver one.
9. Which sucks you in more, Bob Ross or Antiques Roadshow? I love happy little trees!
10. Would you rather have old inherited money and sit around all day doing needle points like they do in all the Jane Austen movies or be a very successful business person making all your own money but you had to work for it? why? For sure work for it. I would need the sense of accomplishment.
11. Movie or song that makes you cry every time? Forrest Gump.

1. Would you rather fly or have the ability to become invisible?
2. A food you don't like?
3. What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
4. Your favorite phone app?
5. Would you rather read the book or watch the movie?
6. Celebrity crush?
7. Advice you'd give your younger self?
8. Guilty pleasure?
9. Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
10. What's the best thing you ever ate?

Dani Hunt, Kate Ensign-Lewis, Brittany Titensor, Jen Bacher, Missy Layton, Mary Perry, Ashley Arnold, Jana Eliason, Janelle Olson, Julie Greene, Suzy James

Ready, go!

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