April 8, 2012

st. patty's day--better late than never

I know St. Patrick's Day was forever ago, but my friend Jen Bacher took the cutest pictures and I had to share. I kind of have a thing for the not-so-famous holidays. I love love love celebrating St. Patrick’s Day, The Fourth of July, and Halloween. This year for St. Patty’s Day I threw a wonderful party full of Irish food and funny games. We invited friends over for corned beef, cabbage, and carrots; a rainbow fruit tray; and green bread. I love cooking and enjoyed watching everyone discover cabbage is actually quite delicious! Dinner was followed by games, which included a drinking contest, marshmallow toss, and Irish jig dance-a-thon. We had such a good time, and even Mummsie did a little jig on top of the coffee table.

1 comment:

  1. Um...most awesome St. Pattys partay ever! You are such a hostess with the mostess.


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