September 30, 2011

oh, you're such a fake cryer

All moms have a crazy super talent I didn't know existed until now: they can decipher the need of their baby by the type of cry coming out of them. There's the "hungry cry," and the "sleepy cry;" the "hold me cry," and the "I'm hurt for real cry." But the best is the "fake cry." Baby Girl is pro at this. Sometimes I think she just likes to hear the sound of her own cry. 

These pictures are in chronological order, all taken within a few minutes of each other. One second she's happy, the next she's crying. But wait, she's happy again two seconds later. What the heck, Baby Girl? Okay, okay, I'll allow the fake cry as long as you look this cute doing it. :)

September 27, 2011

it's here!

Isn't autumn the best time of year? It's still warm outside but not so hot you want to melt. The colors! And you get to eat pumpkin food again. Let's be honest, the fall food is all the convincing I really need to make it my favorite season. On Sunday we drove around the Alpine Loop as a family (I have a family! It's still weird. And awesome.) to see the colors. We found this meadow that was basically the prettiest thing I've ever seen--take that, Twilight

During our outing Baby Girl had one diaper blowout and peed on me twice, but didn't ruin her pretty dress. This can be considered a success because I usually have to change her whole outfit. I don't know how she times it, but her worst diaper messes are always when we are away from the house. At least now I've learned to carry extra clothes and about three more diapers than I think I'll actually need. The first time I left the house as a new mom I was so proud that I had packed the diaper bag with a diaper and wipees. (Ha!) When she needed a diaper change she ended up peeing all over the counter and her clothes. She went home naked. And I learned what packing a diaper bag really means.


September 25, 2011

newborn photoshoot (part 2)

When Baby Girl was two weeks old we had another photo shoot. (See her hospital photo shoot here.) Our friend Jen from Jennifer Bacher Photography did such a beautiful job. (She also took our family pictures here.) I already miss how tiny she is in these photos. Stop growing now, thank you!

September 23, 2011

life according to my iphone

1. Johnny is such a good husband and lets me wax his nose. His sad face is not because I'm about to rip his nose hair out, it's because he's watching the BYU-Utah game. 
2. Homemade pizza!
3. Praying Baby Girl. 
4. Getting ready for Church. Dani, I think she looks like you in this picture.
5. Doodles and Uncle Tyreke.
6. Baby Girl no longer has a chin or jaw. She just has one big chubby cheek!

September 22, 2011

summer sunset series

Because today is officially the last day of summer, I thought I would celebrate with this post. This summer I've been taking pictures of all the beautiful sunsets for my little project: Summer Sunset Series.

Johnny has been a good sport and pulls the car over if we're out and about so I can take a picture, or comes and gets me if he thinks the sky is especially sunset-y.

I will be so sad when fall and winter are in full gear because the sky just isn't the same. There's nothing pretty about a sun that sets at 5:30 in the evening :(

September 20, 2011

family photos

Our friend Jen Bacher has an a-ma-zing photography business (Jennifer Bacher Photography) and she took our first-ever family photos. (I still don't comprehend that I have my own family now.) Baby Girl is only 10 days old in these pictures and it kind of makes me sad that she already looks so different. 
I love the way the photos turned out and couldn't be happier. Here are a few of my favorites:

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