January 21, 2010


For the last month Johnny has been growing the most lovely beard. As a result, my family now lovingly calls him Muhammad, and no one takes him too seriously. Wanting to return to the good old days, Johnny finally decided to shave it off last night, but not without having a little fun first. I give you, beardmania.

#1 The Beard

#2 The Goatee

#3 The We're Not Sure What It Is

#4 The Handlebars

#5 The Mexi-stache

#6 The Hitler

#7 The Soul Patch

And this is where the adventure ends. Johnny wanted to keep a little facial hair and I agreed this was better (anything was better!) than the beard.


  1. Too funny!!! I personally love the handlebar look,....so macho!!

  2. Jason and I vote for the mexi-stache!!! so funny:)


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