July 2, 2012

we went to europe: rome

This is the last post, I promise! Okay, Rome was the best. The history, the culture, the night life, the weather--Rome is the place for us. We never planned to go there (actually, Italy was never in our plans anyway), but it turned out to be our favorite.

Funny side note: we got lost in the ghetto on the outskirts of town (we realized too late why our hotel was so inexpensive), when we passed a building with a familiar looking sign. It was the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! We went in and told them we were Mormon and were immediately offered a bowl of pasta and pastries. Isn't the Church the best? A cute family even walked us to the train station like 15 minutes away, got on with us, and showed us where to get off. I just love being part of a church where you have instant friends no matter where you are in the world.

We visited the Spanish Steps, Trevi Fountain (which Baby Girl LOVED), the Pantheon, the Colosseum, the Forum, Piazza Navona, and St. Peter's. We had dinner in Piazza Navona which really was the greatest way to end our trip. Oh, and I even managed to find a candy shop where you better believe I filled a bag full of goodies.

Seriously, this was the most fun, exhausting, wonderful trip we ever have and ever will go on for a very, very long time. I was sad to leave, but let me tell you, there's no place like home.

1 comment:

  1. I would comment on everyone of your recent posts, but it would all be the same: love, love, love it! These pictures are awesome. You really should put them in a hard-copy album; they're gorgeous and deserved to be thumbed through on quiet afternoons.

    Especially love the ones of globetrotter/sunbather baby girl.


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