June 21, 2012

we went to europe: paris

Johnny and I have been planning a trip to Europe for like five years. We're super organized and this is how we planned the vacation: 

"Let's go to Europe!"
"Here are a bunch of pictures of Europe I found on Google Images and copy pasted into a Word doc."

And that's it, people. Basically, we suck at planning. The only solid plan we had was what day we were leaving, and Johnny had rented a car. We got to the airport having decided literally a few hours before that we would fly into Paris and figure it out from there. (The night before we were flying into Frankfurt, and somewhere between our layover in NYC and Paris we were actually SITTING on an airplane to Zurich, but had to get off about 30 seconds before it taxied. Long story). We had no hotels, no itinerary, and no idea what we were doing. Oh, and we brought our 10-month-old baby along. Are we crazy? Maybe. Was it the best trip of our lives? Definitely.

After landing in Paris we discovered our luggage had been lost. Sweet. After I cried and whined a little, we made the best of it and headed for the Eiffel Tower wearing 2-day-old clothes and smelling like Europeans. Our luggage finally made it like a day and a half later and we finally got to see the rest of Paris. We went to Notre Dame where I met the Hunchback, San Chapelle (you have to go there!) which is a small chapel made entirely of stained glass, the Louvre where I walked through my art history book, and to the top of the Arch de Triumph. It was kind of a blitz tour of Paris, but we checked off every major tourist trap we could think of.

On a side note: Mona Lisa is the greatest. A lot of people think she is hyped up. Ahem, people, no. I stared at her for a good ten minutes and still can't believe how incredible da Vinci was. 


  1. this is perfect. That is all I have to say.


  2. You guys rock! And your baby is stealing my heart. So happy Story has her for a bff :) See you soon!

  3. Ya. I want to do this. Help me convince Dan ;)


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