June 20, 2012

NYC part 1

This month has been a whirlwind of family, NYC, Europe, and more. I love traveling and, don't get me wrong, I am so grateful to be able to do it, but man, I need a vacation from vacation!

Visiting my sister Dani and her husband, Bryan, in New York was so. much. fun. Johnny and I weren't even invited unless we brought Baby Girl, though.

 This is seriously the best family picture we could manage. Central Park is the real winner of this picture.

 Statue of Liberty

 Bryan, this is why we love you.

Johnny had his birthday over the weekend so we celebrated Johnson family style by accessorizing with no shame, despite the funny looks at the restaurant. We kept noticing this blue light on Baby Girl's face and couldn't figure out what it was. We finally turned around and an Asian family was taking picture after picture of her.

We enlisted all the employees of Crumbs to sing "Happy Birthday" with us, and even got them to wear hats.

Visiting the new 9/11 memorial

1 comment:

  1. I love every picture. Next time you go to NYC, I will be in them ;)

    Cant wait to see more and hear more about it. The Asian Family story was my fav.


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