May 11, 2012

winner winner chicken dinner!

Ever since my aunt won a trip to Ireland from a Breyer's Ice Cream carton (I am serious!), it has been on my bucket list to win a major award (a leg lamp will do). This past week I discovered a blog giveaway site and randomly entered a few contests. Well, I won--twice! Who loves free stuff? Me.

The first is a camera pouch from Simple As That, which Johnny is super happy about because he cringes every time I throw the camera without a case into the diaper bag (which is every single time). 

The other thing I won is a set of washi tape from M By Alcantara. I have already used it to send a Mother's Day gift off to my Oma. Now that I've discovered I'm a winner winner chicken dinner, I might have to go enter a few more giveaways...

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