May 6, 2012

birthday week and 26 things that make me happy

What a weekend! I love the last week of April/first week of May because it's birthday week in our family. It starts with Lenny Jones; then me; my mother-in-law, Pat; and then my little brother, Jett. I don't know why 26 is such a hard number for me, but I feel like an old geezer. To make this birthday a good one, I decided to take 26 pictures of things that make me happy. Here they are (sorry for the long blog post, but 26 is a big number):

1. Waking up to see this crazy sleeper. Notice the sheets are no longer on her mattress, and no covers are on her body. 

2. Johnny made crepes - my favorite breakfast.

3. My grandma's funeral was the morning of my birthday, but it was a great celebration of her life. It was happy/sad, but the gospel makes life so much happier knowing the plan of salvation.

4. My family, and knowing we can be together forever makes me tremendously happy.

5. Classical 89 and NPR are my favorite radio stations. Baby Girl even stops crying when I turn on classical music.

6. Puzzles - I am in love with them. Funny story: Of all the stores and all the presents and all the pictures in the world, my mom and I bought the EXACT SAME PUZZLE for my birthday (a picture of the Sistine Chapel). She knows me so well.

7. Johnny surprised me with a new phone - hooray!

8. Pretty jewelry

9. Everything about this picture makes me happy: the piano, my babe, my babe playing the piano...what's not to love?

10. Crepe cake. I took my favorite breakfast and made it a dessert. It was delish (recipe to come soon).

11. Best friends make me happy. Love you, Hailey!

12. Flowers from Johnny. (Wow, he really pulled through this year!)

13. Everything about BBQs make me happy: the food, the weather, the smoky smell. Yes.

14. Hamburgers!!! (And of course, my favorite food, hot dogs.)

15. My fellow birthday weekers. I made special birthday crowns for all of us. Jett was absolutely thrilled to wear his, can't you tell?

16. Daisy!

17. Baby Girl!

18. Jett Star!

19. Lenny!

20. Pat!

21. How cute are these shoes?! Oh, and how gross are my old man feet?!

22. Mummsie exchanged her Sistine Chapel for another most excellent puzzle of Starry Night. (Don't bother me for a week, I'll be puzzling.)

23. My favorite present wasn't the check, it was the letter my grandma sent with the check. Sorry Johnny and Baby Girl, I've been instructed not to share!

24. This scene makes me SO SO happy. I used to sit at the screen door like this with our puppy when I was a babe, and now my very own babe does the same thing. Love it.

25. More books for my classics collection. They are almost too pretty to read. Almost.

26. This crazy little family of mine makes me happier than anything in the whole world. I am so blessed to belong to them.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE it. Such a fun and beautiful post. Those things certainly make getting older easier.


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