August 5, 2015

summer nights

More from our Utah trip a few weeks ago...

Oh, Utah. You and your warm summer nights, big backyards, and family time have my heart. We spent time at my sister's new "farm," running in wide open spaces, and visiting good old Provo to help brainwash our kids into going to BYU.

These two photos are great. The one on the left is of Pipsqueak who locked herself in the bedroom, and we all learned my mom's new doorknobs have unpickable locks. We finally had to call our handyman to bring his tools and rescue her. And on the right, Munchkin told us she had a surprise, which was this BYU sticker right in the middle of our bumper. Lucky for us, it was raining and it didn't stick permanently, but she was pretty proud (the BYU brainwashing is working!).

1 comment:

  1. The BYU Sticker!?!?!?! hahaha I'm like crying laughing right now!


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