December 10, 2014

ugly christmas sweaters

^^ Johnny and I threw an ugly sweater Christmas party for his school friends, and I do believe a new tradition has been born in our house. We had a contest for the ugliest and these three beauties above were our winning ensemble. They were well-deserving winners, indeed. ^^

^^ This is my "ugly excited face" when opening my white elephant gift, the book Go the F*#k to Sleep. I actually secretly wanted this children's book and was so happy to snatch it up. It was stolen from me a couple of times but Johnny won it back for me in the end. Woo hoo! It's funny though because I've actually already re-gifted it.^^

^^ Before Johnny and I were dating I went to a college party he hosted at a condo in Park City and he was wearing these long johns and winter boots. I thought, "Who the heck is this goofy guy?" Jokes on me, people. Jokes on me. ^^

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