August 5, 2013

how 10 years changed my life

I hope this post isn't too personal. I try to keep my blog lighthearted, but I'm going to get all emotional for this one because I've learned something that I kinda want to share. That being said, you've been warned.

Ten years ago today my family was in a car accident that took my dad's life. I was just starting my senior year of high school and was getting ready for what I thought would be the greatest year of my life. And you know, when you're 17, you really think the world is yours. What I wouldn't give to have the life of a 17-year-old! It's hard as it is as a teenager to see the big picture in life, but throw in a life-altering event like this, and suddenly I felt like my life was over. And I guess in some ways, it kind of was. My injuries from the accident put a halt to a lot of teenage dreams (not the Katy Perry kind), and my mom was left with five kids ages four to 17 without a dad.

But you know what? Life goes on. I hate that saying. You know what other saying I hate? "Time heals all wounds." I hated hearing those well-meaning words from other people because I couldn't possibly understand how my life would get better. Even three, four years later I still struggled and a lot of people didn't understand why I was still so sad. But here's what I would have wanted to know, coming from someone who's been through it: Life does go on. It goes on and life will make you happy again, I promise, but you have to let it. And time really can heal all wounds. It doesn't make them go away; there will be scars, but the pain fades and most days I don't even notice them. 

I've always thought how incredible it is that everybody in this world dies, but it doesn't make it any less personal or heartbreaking when it happens to you. But it's okay. Life goes on, happy things will make their way into your life again, and I know that death is not the end. In fact, I'm so grateful to know that families are forever!

That being said, I love you, dad! I miss you, and I'll see you on the other side!

(Sorry for the huge photo album. I couldn't whittle it down.)


  1. Beautiful, Ashley. Prayers to you and your family on this landmark day for you guys! I never met your mom but she does seem like a rockstar mom like you and Dani said today. And oh my goodness, I see both of your little girls in you; so cute, and all that hair!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this, Ashley. I loved seeing all the beautiful pictures of your family with your dad. I am so glad families are forever too!

    1. I wrote this post more for myself, but it makes me really happy that others have enjoyed it, too--thank you!


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