June 2, 2013

our last lake powell hoorah

Every year my family houseboats on Lake Powell twice a summer and they are the happiest two weeks of the year. Johnny and I went on one last trip before our move to San Francisco and really lived it up because we probably won't be able to get away from school for the next few years.

^^ This is the new toy, the Flyboard. Basically you either look like Iron Man (like Johnny does in this picture ^^) or you look pathetic (like me in the picture below). Actually, I did manage to get up, but there's no photo evidence so believe what you will. ^^

 ^^ In this picture, these are my thoughts: "I am strapped into a machine that is going to shoot me straight to the bottom of the lake where I will drown and my body will never be found." Something like that. ^^

^^ Not only was Emily amazing on her first attempt on the Flyboard, she also did a backflip. She's pretty cool. ^^

^^ Wake surfing is possibly my favorite thing ever. I think I've been hurt too many times wake boarding, and let's be honest, my legs are too out of shape to slalom ski anymore. So surfing it is. ^^

^^ This face means the outside temperature is only 65 and the water is even colder. Peer pressure was the only way I got in. ^^

^^ My brother, Kash, and his special lady, Emily. Of course she rocked the surfboard. ^^

^^We stopped at the old Hollywood Western Museum in Kanaab. So fun.^^

1 comment:

  1. looks so fun! when do you guys get here? did you find a place?


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