April 1, 2013

our easter was a little crazy

Oh, happy day! I love holidays and any excuse to celebrate with food, games, and pretty things. I also love how holidays that were fun as a kid suddenly become awesome again when you have your own children to enjoy them. Here's a little bit of our Sunday:

^^ Pinterest, you are the best. Thanks for the egg ideas. (P.S. my paralyzed wrist hardly ever gets in the way, but apparently I can't hold an egg without looking like I have the hand of Frankenstein. Sigh, there goes my dream of hand modeling.) ^^

^^ Eggs Benedict casserole for breakfast ^^

^^ Oh, boy. Her Easter dress was in the dryer after spilling our neighbor's coffee all over it, which was a good thing because Mummsie gave her a piece of chocolate. BTW, that brand new dress didn't even last one day, as Baby Girl ripped the whole backside open later on. The dress never stood a chance with this piece of work. ^^

^^ Yes, we have another child despite the lack of pictures. We're trying. ^^

1 comment:

  1. Johnny can add hand modelling to his talents. You have plenty of talents Ashley, he can have that one.


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