March 29, 2012

this is why you need to know first aid

I have used basic first aid knowledge THREE times in ONE week with Baby Girl. Sheesh! What does she think I am, a doctor? In all seriousness, though, I'm so glad I know a little first aid because it is literally a lifesaver. 

#1 - Baby Girl pulled the curling iron cord and the hot iron fell off the counter right onto her arm. The tears were flowing hard from the both of us, believe me. After thinking I was the worst mom in the world, I immediately used first aid to treat her while on the way to the doctor.

#2 - Baby Girl was eating rice puffs when she started choking on one. I don't know how I knew what to do, but next thing I know, I'm doing the infant Heimlich Maneuver on her. The puff came right out and she kept eating like nothing had happened.

#3 - Baby Girl is sporting some gauze and bandages from incident #1, which she thinks are fun to eat. The bandaging is practicalIy duct taped to her arm, but she somehow manages to get it off. I went into her nursery this morning and she had a big piece of gauze lodged in the back of her throat. I quickly did that finger scoop thing and got it out. 

So THAT is why I think every mom needs to know a little basic first aid. Moms are basically doctors once they have kids, and it seems like kids are forever trying to hurt/maim/kill themselves. I never thought first aid would actually come in handy - it was just something I had to learn in high school so I could be a lifeguard and get paid to tan. (Wow, I was so lame.)

Here's a link to some first aid tips. Use it!

1 comment:

  1. Whoa, Baby Girl! Give your Momma a break!

    Thanks for the link. I've been in constant fear of Boybee choking ever since he started eating chunkier food. He has a hyperactive gag reflex, so every time he gags, my stomach drops and I carefully watch him for signs of breathing. No need for baby Heimlich yet, but I'm glad for those Internet illustrations just in case.


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