I've only been doing the whole mom thing for 4+ months now, but I've learned what I can and can't live without when it comes to baby supplies. I wish someone would have sat me down and told me which things were fluff and which were actually necessary. Here are my top ten things I personally think every mom needs.
#1 Sleeper Bags
Trying to bundle a baby tight enough so they don't kick the blankets off is nearly impossible. They're like Houdini. These pajamas are the best because when she kicks the blankets off, I know she's still warm.
#2 Snap n Go Stroller
I cannot tell you how convenient this thing is. It is so lightweight, folds practically flat, and the baby's carseat snaps in and out. So easy.
#3 Bundleme
This is perfect for wintertime; it's a blanket that zips over the carseat. I don't have to worry about her being cold or blankets falling off of her (which happens a lot without one of these).
#4 Binky Clip
Before I bought a binky clip I had to take a stash of binkies with me wherever I went because they were hitting the ground left and right. This is a lifesaver.
#5 Electric Double Breast Pump
I work (and Baby Girl never learned to latch) so this has allowed me to still feed her breastmilk. Also, it's allowed me to pump extra milk to store for later, which brings me to ...
#6 Breastmilk Storage Bags
Because of these, I think I have like 2 months of milk in my freezer. Bless them.
#7 Boppy
The possibilities are endless with this thing. It's great for nursing, holding my baby in my arms, propping my baby on the floor, as a booster when she's sitting in my lap ... this thing is awesome and I use it every day.
#8 Diaper Genie
Our nursery doesn't smell like poop. Enough said.
#9 Portable Changing Pad
The first time I changed Baby Girl on one of those pull down changing stations in a public bathroom I just about died. I laid like 50 paper towels down but still felt gross. This thing is a must if you don't want your baby to get a disease (okay, I exaggerate, kind of).
#10 Bumbo
Like the boppy, this has multiple uses: highchair, entertain yourself chair, we don't want you to have a flat spot from lying down all the time chair. It's great.
Am I forgetting anything major? What can't you live without?
LOVE this list. Mine is the "Miracle Blanket". The night we wrapped Oaklynn in it, she slept through the night (8hours) at only 1 month old, and has slept through the night since. It really is a Miracle Blanket!!