July 27, 2011

hey, is it okay if...

I still don't know how to correctly fill out a checking deposit slip

Sometimes I sneak candy with me to bed at night (and then don't rebrush my teeth)

I can't listen to a whole song when my iPod's on shuffle...

...But still feel bad for pushing "next"

I set my alarm clock early just so I can push snooze, like 5 times

Sometimes I use baby powder in my hair if it's dirty instead of just washing it

I still can't always correctly tell time on an analogue clock


  1. Definitely ok! Those dang clocks get me every time!

  2. Haha! I knew we were friends for a reason. I am definately guilty of most of these but the baby powder one cracks me up! Who was it that taught us that at drill? I have done it since then, and I did it today too! HAHA!!!!


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