May 29, 2011

31 weeks

Baby girl is getting bigger by the day. I can tell because she is starting to lodge herself in my ribcage; it's awesome. Also, she got the hiccups for the first time. That's a crazy sensation!

I already feel bad for our other future kids because I don't think they aren't going to get the same attention as this one. I just don't see a weekly photo happening, or me playing classical music on my stomach, or the oohing and aahing every time I watch her kick. I think the first time is a novelty, and after that, it's like, "Oh yeah, I'm pregnant again." But I'd like to think we will be as starry-eyed with them all!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I just thought it was funny that you and I have so much in common after I searched for a homemade baby mobile and yours is one of the mobiles that came up. I am LDS, pregnant, and I have a super spoiled dog. I am about 29 weeks pregnant with a boy (we already have a girl). I live in California though, but I know a lot of people in Utah. Just wanted to say hi!


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