June 25, 2008

Green, Green, Green

Here's an article I wrote for the magazine I work for. It hasn't been published yet so hopefully this isn't illegal or anything.

Eco-Friendly Lifestyle
By Ashley Evanson
Going “green” is more than a trend, it’s our future. Even doing little things like turning off lights can help our environment. You don’t need to become a tree hugger, but here are a few ways to be a little more eco-friendly.
Don’t pre-heat the oven
Unless you’re baking bread or pastries, there’s no need to pre-heat your oven. Just turn it on when your dish is ready to go in.
Go without meat once a week
For every animal raised in once-rainforest land, fifty-five square feet of trees have been destroyed. It also takes 2,500 gallons of water for every pound of beef produced. If we ate one or two less meals with meat every week, imagine the difference we could make.
Make your own cleaning products
Cleaning chemicals have harmful toxins that can pollute the air. By using household ingredients like vinegar and baking soda you can make eco-friendly cleaning products that will actually save you money. For instructions go to geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/8088/clngrn.html
Use one (not a handful) paper napkin
It’s estimated that an American uses 2,200 napkins a year (about six per day). If each person used even one less napkin a day, we could save our landfills from more than one billion pounds of napkins. You might take it one step further and use cloth napkins.
No more bottled water
It can take almost one thousand years for a water bottle to decompose, and just this year alone, almost sixty-five billion bottles have been thrown away. Instead, buy a reusable water bottle and fill it up yourself.
Bring your own bag
One million plastic bags are used every minute worldwide. Instead of using plastic, bring your own reusable bag when shopping. Even designers are endorsing this new trend by selling bags with this cause in mind. Check out carry-a-bag.com
Stop paper bank statements
These days most banking can be done online so there’s really no need to waste paper with bank statements in the mail. Cancel your monthly statement and your bank might even reward you—some banks give prizes or donate money to customers who switch to online statements.
Buy used products
Recycle clothes, appliances and more by selling and buying from second-hand stores. Even more, these are great places to find one-of-a-kind items.

1 comment:

  1. great article. I think we all need to do a little better with this.


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