April 12, 2013

i swore i wouldn't be this parent

So going through our camera's photos every day, I'm noticing a trend. There is a slight lack of photos of our second child. And by "slight" I mean she's practically the redheaded stepchild. Being the oldest child myself, I am often reminded by my little sis that she was always neglected to make room for the shining older star (was it my fault I was so cute? I kid, Dani, I kid). But poor Pipsqueak is going to disown me if I don't start showing her a little camera love, too. That being said, please enjoy these pictures of Baby Girl, sans Pipsqueak.

^^ Feeding the ducks ^^

^^ Baby Girl was getting jealous of the ducks ^^

^^ Visiting Papa and the horses. So sad I'm allergic to them. Like Will-Smith-in-"Hitch" allergic. ^^

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