March 18, 2013

books and babes

I've tried my very best to brainwash Baby Girl to love books, and you know, I think I've done a pretty good job. Actually, almost too good of a job because she is constantly handing me books to read with her and sometimes I feel like I don't ever get stuff done. But how can I complain? I mean, the girl loves to cuddle up with a good book just like her mamma!

Also, Pipsqueak (baby #2) is already two months old! She is so so so tiny though--like newborn, 12th percentile tiny. I totally love it though, as she actually gets to wear the newborn clothes Baby Girl never could squeeze her little sausage legs into. The two of them seem to be getting along great and Pipsqueak has only been kicked in the head, pulled onto the floor, and roughhoused a few times. She's one tough cookie. But seriously, how do kids not die before adulthood?! It's a miracle.

1 comment:

  1. So cute! I'm glad you turned off your privacy settings because I couldn't read you. I still can't believe you have two babies, I love it!


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