February 15, 2013

new munchkin

I haven't blogged in a looong time but I think the pictures below are enough of an excuse. Babies can be real time-suckers, if you know what I mean, and now I've got two 17.5 months apart! (People always told us "bless your hearts" when they found out how close our girls would be, and Johnny and I were like "whatever, we'll be fine." Okay, seriously, bless our hearts. And I know people have babies even closer.)

I'm not going to share our birth story because I feel it's too personal, but here's the quick rundown of how we met our second little girl:

At 34 weeks I went into labor and was immediately put on bed rest and wasn't expected to stay pregnant for a week or two longer. But miracles happen and at 38 weeks on January 11 our babe decided she should finally come. She was breech so I was prepared to have a C-section in case she didn't flip, which ended up being the case. She arrived safely and totally healthy thanks to many prayers, and she and her big sister are going to be the best of friends.

Also, a big thanks to Jennifer Bacher Photography for taking the pics. I love them!


  1. Oh. My. Goodness!! I absolutely LOVE these pictures! You two are the cutest parents EVER. She is SO beautiful, and I cannot wait to meet her!

  2. That hair. Seriously kills me. Thanks for the update :)

  3. Hooray! (1 month later . . .) I love the photos.


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